There is a moment in every girls life when she must decide what dinnerware is right for her. The dinnerware that will sit at the table while she is a host and prepares an elegant meal. It's an important decision, afterall how many of you have seen what your grandmother has selected and wondered "What was she thinking?" only to know it will someday be passed down to you and possibly end up in your dinning room. The choice is usually made because of an engagement, a time when you are already stressed out enough and now are forced with another important decision. I personally spent months deciding which formal dinnerware and everyday dinnerware would be right for me only to realize I would go simple and accesorize with pieces I find later in life. I'm too young to really know my exact style and what will fit with the interior I finally decide upon. For now, here are a few beautiful pieces to help you new brides along...

For the graphic designer...
Kate Spade - "Corona Grave Platinum"

For the girly girl...
Kate Spade - "Gwinnet Lane Chocolate"
I've seen this as a full set on a dining room table and it is just beautiful,
the rich browns & whites go perfectly with crystal wine glasses.

For the bold one...
Missoni - "Sunset"

For the sophisticated one -
Vera Wang - "Sable Duchesse"

For the spunky one -
Marc Jacobs Waterford - "David" in Canary
The stylist - "
Sophie Conran"

The basic one - "
Pottery Barn"

The entertainer - "
Fiestaware - My favorite!" I've grown up with these colorful plates. My mother would purchase a few colors, use them, sell them (they have a great re-sale value, sometimes more then they were purchased for), and buy new and different colors, plus they are virtually unbreakable. I have a full set of several pieces in white.